montepy.mcnp_object module

class montepy.mcnp_object.MCNP_Object(input, parser)

Bases: ABC

Abstract class for semantic representations of MCNP inputs.

Changed in version 0.2.0: Generally significant changes for parser rework. For init removed comments, and added parser as arguments.

  • input (Input) – The Input syntax object this will wrap and parse.

  • parser (MCNP_Lexer) – The parser object to parse the input with.

static _generate_default_node(value_type, default, padding=' ')

Generates a “default” or blank ValueNode.

None is generally a safe default value to provide.

Added in version 0.2.0.

  • value_type (Class) – the data type for the ValueNode.

  • default (value_type) – the default value to provide (type needs to agree with value_type)

  • padding (str, None) – the string to provide to the PaddingNode. If None no PaddingNode will be added.


a new ValueNode with the requested information.

Return type:


abstract _update_values()

Method to update values in syntax tree with new values.

Generally when make_prop_val_node() this is not necessary to do, but when make_prop_pointer() is used it is necessary. The most common need is to update a value based on the number for an object pointed at, e.g., the material number in a cell definition.

Added in version 0.2.0.

property allowed_keywords

The allowed keywords for this class of MCNP_Card.

The allowed keywords that would appear in the parameters block. For instance for cells the keywords IMP and VOL are allowed. The allowed keywords need to be in upper case.

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: This is no longer needed. Instead this is specified in montepy.input_parser.tokens.MCNP_Lexer._KEYWORDS().


A set of the allowed keywords. If there are none this should return the empty set.

Return type:


property comments

The comments associated with this input if any.

This includes all C comments before this card that aren’t part of another card, and any comments that are inside this card.


a list of the comments associated with this comment.

Return type:


static compress_jump_values(values)

Takes a list of strings and jump values and combines repeated jump values.

e.g., 1 1 J J 3 J becomes 1 1 2J 3 J

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: This should be automatically handled by the syntax tree instead.


values (list) – a list of string and Jump values to try to compress


a list of MCNP word strings that have jump compression

Return type:



DeprecationWarning – raised always.

static compress_repeat_values(values, threshold=1e-06)

Takes a list of floats, and tries to compress it using repeats.

E.g., 1 1 1 1 would compress to 1 3R

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: This should be automatically handled by the syntax tree instead.

  • values (list) – a list of float values to try to compress

  • threshold (float) – the minimum threshold to consider two values different


a list of MCNP word strings that have repeat compression

Return type:



DeprecationWarning – always raised.


Creates a string representation of this MCNP_Object that can be written to file.


mcnp_version (tuple) – The tuple for the MCNP version that must be exported to.


a list of strings for the lines that this input will occupy.

Return type:


property leading_comments

Any comments that come before the beginning of the input proper.

Added in version 0.2.0.


the leading comments.

Return type:


Links the input to the parent problem for this input.

This is done so that inputs can find links to other objects.


problem (MCNP_Problem) – The problem to link this input to.

property parameters

A dictionary of the additional parameters for the object.

e.g.: 1 0 -1 u=1 imp:n=0.5 has the parameters {"U": "1", "IMP:N": "0.5"}


a dictionary of the key-value pairs of the parameters.



property trailing_comment

The trailing comments and padding of an input.

Generally this will be blank as these will be moved to be a leading comment for the next input.


the trailing c style comments and intermixed padding (e.g., new lines)

Return type:



Validates that the object is in a usable state.


IllegalState if any condition exists that make the object incomplete.

property words

The words from the input file for this card.


Deprecated since version 0.2.0: This has been replaced by the syntax tree data structure.


DeprecationWarning – Access the syntax tree instead.

static wrap_string_for_mcnp(string, mcnp_version, is_first_line)

Wraps the list of the words to be a well formed MCNP input.

multi-line inputs will be handled by using the indentation format, and not the “&” method.

  • string (str) – A long string with new lines in it, that needs to be chunked appropriately for MCNP inputs

  • mcnp_version (tuple) – the tuple for the MCNP that must be formatted for.

  • is_first_line (bool) – If true this will be the beginning of an MCNP input. The first line will not be indented.


A list of strings that can be written to an input file, one item to a line.

Return type:


static wrap_words_for_mcnp(words, mcnp_version, is_first_line)

Wraps the list of the words to be a well formed MCNP input.

multi-line cards will be handled by using the indentation format, and not the “&” method.

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: The concept of words is deprecated, and should be handled by syntax trees now.

  • words (list) – A list of the “words” or data-grams that needed to added to this card. Each word will be separated by at least one space.

  • mcnp_version (tuple) – the tuple for the MCNP that must be formatted for.

  • is_first_line (bool) – If true this will be the beginning of an MCNP card. The first line will not be indented.


A list of strings that can be written to an input file, one item to a line.

Return type:



DeprecationWarning – raised always.