montepy.constants module

montepy.constants.ASCII_CEILING = 127

The maximum allowed code point allowed by ASCII.

Source: Wikipedia

montepy.constants.BLANK_SPACE_CONTINUE = 5

Number of spaces in a new line before it’s considered a continuation.

montepy.constants.DEFAULT_VERSION = (6, 2, 0)

The default version of MCNP to use.

montepy.constants.LINE_LENGTH = {(5, 1, 60): 80, (6, 1, 0): 80, (6, 2, 0): 128}

The number of characters allowed in a line for each MCNP version.

montepy.constants.TABSIZE = 8

How many spaces a tab is expand to.

montepy.constants.abs_tol = 0.0

Absolute tolerance passed to math.isclose.

Return type:


montepy.constants.get_max_line_length(mcnp_version=(6, 2, 0))

Gets the maximum allowed length for an input line for a specific MCNP version.

The version must be a three component tuple e.g., (6, 2, 0) and (5, 1, 60). Line lengths inferred from:

C. J. Werner et al., “MCNP Version 6.2 Release Notes,” LA-UR–18-20808, 1419730, Feb. 2018. doi: 10.2172/1419730. section 2.6.2

Prior MCNP release version numbers were taken from RSICC.


mcnp_version (tuple) – The version of MCNP that the input is intended for.


The number of characters allowed in a line.

Return type:


montepy.constants.rel_tol = 1e-09

Relative tolerance passed to math.isclose.

Return type:
